What Scarlet’s clients are saying…


Awakening Self-Love Workshop

“Awakening Self-Love” with Scarlet was an inspiring, engaging, practical and transformative experience. The sisterhood that was built during the workshop was a safe space where I could open up about myself. I am looking forward to the next workshop with her and my new “sisters”.”

Awakening Sensuality Workshop

“Women longing for a powerful and supportive feminine community in which to thrive and align with their core true authenticity will find vital wisdom here with Scarlet teaching.

Scarlet is providing a haven where essential female values can be discussed and embraced. I can’t wait for next session!!” 

Awakening Connection Workshop

“The session was so engaging and transformational. I have been on this journey for awhile and attended many retreats and workshops and none were as deep or created a community of trust so quickly. It is obvious that Scarlet has done her own work and she is sharing her transformation with us with such love!!”


Carlisa C

“As a result of this amazing life-changing Program, I am now fully embodied in my feminine energy, loving and celebrating Life.  I no longer wear a mask to hide my truth. I am now living a balanced authentic life as a true Queen. Scarlet’s mastery in creating an intimate atmosphere to support women in the full awakening and unveiling of their own power by breaking through embodied judgements and unconscious self-limitations of what’s possible and acceptable.

Scarlet is a True Queen, empowering women to dive deeper and connect with their divine aligned destiny and gifting them with the toolkits to living a balanced life authentically.”

Joan A

“I wish every woman could experience The Sensual Sisterhood. What a gift it was to take care of myself at a level beyond anything I’d ever experienced! With Scarlet’s gentle and compassionate guidance, I was lovingly pushed to explore areas of myself I had never fully acknowledged. This intimate group of sisters supported each other each week as we nourished, explored and developed our untapped strengths, our voices, our authentic truths, our sensuality, our sexuality, and the numerous practices to stay connected to this powerful work. 

This course has planted seeds of growth in so many areas of my life. From living with more presence and joy, to acknowledging and shedding the wounded parts of me that hold me back from creating the life I desire, I am deeply grateful to Scarlet for sharing this work with such generosity and warmth.” 

Eri E

“When I decided to sign up for this program, I thought I could use a few tips on “self-care”, I was open to learning new things, and I had just broken up with my boyfriend. 12 weeks later, I released two friendships (one of them my best friend at the time), got back with my boyfriend in a much better relationship, gained 3 amazing “sisters”, and an absolutely magnificent mentor Scarlet! I can honestly say Scarlet changed my life for the better and I know how to take care of myself now. During the program I cried every week (I’m not kidding) not because I was sad. I was saying and hearing things that were authentic and honest. And Scarlet created a safe space to find ourselves at our own pace, because I was a total novice in this field. I feel like I learned a new language and there are so many people out there who speak the same language and Deep Authentic Truths! I recommend this program specifically to ladies who are new to the concept of sisterhood and are ready to learn and grow. Trust Scarlet, and she will take you to places you’ve never thought you’d go!”

Michelle F

“This program changed me on every level and on every topic. I think the biggest change for me, if I had to choose one, has been eliminating triggers in my relationships to become clearly grounded in my truth, my boundaries, and my needs.

Before I joined this program, I had done a good amount of personal work and healing, especially in the wake of my divorce. I expected to learn more in this program of course, but did not expect it to be as life transforming as it was! This program exceeded all of my expectations, because Scarlet created the perfect space for transformation: she held space for our group to create deep trust and authenticity so that we could go deep with the materials, she vulnerably shared her own experiences in real time, becoming a role model for ongoing work, she created a systematic way to grow where each topic and session built on the one before, and she encouraged and lovingly pushed each of us to go deeper when needed. There were plenty of tears when we saw a new area needing tenderness and healing and she guided us as sisters to hold space lovingly for that. There were also plenty of celebrations when we each had breakthroughs in showing up more authentically as the queens that we are. Ultimately, what she created was a sisterhood of women whom I know I can (and have since the program ended) rely on to share authentically what is coming up in my life and who have given me full hearted support and loving reminders to get back on track when needed. What she has created is revolutionary: a sisterhood of open, growing, strong, supportive, queens who hold each other to a high standard of growth with full love, tenderness and admiration for the work that requires. And all of this in the context of a culture that pits women against each other and devalues our voices at every level. There is no more important work than this and every woman who feels called to join this sisterhood should join Scarlet’s program. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been doing your personal growth for awhile or just determining that you need a change, you will benefit from this program and the sisterhood will benefit from you joining us!”


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